Saturday, July 25, 2020

Welcome to our blog: COVID-19 Stay at Home DIY

About Us:  
We are two friends who bonded over our fur children and love of crafting.  Since March, 2020, we've both been working from home due to the Stay at Home orders from our states, Florida and Illinois, in response to the outbreak of COVID-19.  Many of the DIY posts and pages on keeping busy with crafts during quarantine are for families who are staying at home with young children.  They did not really apply to us since we were looking to keep busy and do some DIY activities that were for specific for us- crafters looking for cost-conscious projects to do in quarantine with limited supplies needed for adults with beginner crafting skills.  We also wanted to share our projects to help inspire others like us to who were looking for things to do rather than going out for social activities. 
Thanks for reading about our fun projects.  Stay at home and be well! 

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